
July Tech Lunch: Unleashing Imagination on the Blockchain - Laura Masse There is no shortage of content about blockchain technology. Yet, creative thinking about its practical application to solve business problems has been overshadowed by a profusion of technical explanations and heavy attention to one specific use...

July Lean In Circle Lunch: Leading Through Complexity Successful leaders take time to pause and self-reflect. Join WOGA for our July Lean In Lunch that will provide key leadership tools and techniques to improve your ability to navigate, as well as friends and family members. Leading Through...

July Lean In Circle Lunch: Leading Through Complexity Successful leaders take time to pause and self-reflect. Join WOGA for our July Lean In Lunch that will provide key leadership tools and techniques to improve your ability to navigate, as well as friends and family members. Leading Through...

June Lean In Circle Lunch: Managing Up – What is it? How do I do it now? Managing up is about creating opportunities for yourself and your organization.  It’s about getting noticed and gaining influence.  Those with the most rapport are the ones who are considered...

Join us for our first ever virtual Lean In on Thursday, June 11th via Zoom! Our guest speaker is Dena Lund and we will be discussing navigating your internal network to create new opportunities for yourself! The meeting login details will be sent out closer...

Hi WOGA members!!! WOGA has been monitoring the current Coronavirus situation and we want to ensure the safety of all of our members. The CDC has recommend that events consisting of 50 or more people, should be canceled or postponed. Due to this recommendation and an...

March Lean In Circle Lunch: Making Intentional Choices, Forming Good Daily Habits, and Personal Discipline We are happy to welcome Margot Timbel as our keynote speaker this month. Margot’s talk will emphasize the importance of making intentional choices, dealing with errors and how to productively recover from...