
Order your new WOGA Gear now before March 11th!!  We are so excited to bring you several options to show how proud you are to be a woman in the O&G Industry.  Couple of highlights: The baseball T is soft and comfy - perfect for...

February Lean In Circle Lunch: Connection The month of February is all about CONNECTION.  With both Valentine's Day and "Gal"entine's Day quickly approaching, what better time to talk about connecting in a professional environment!  The value of a properly leveraged network is limitless.  Specific strategies make...

HAPPY NEW YEAR WOGA members!! Welcome to the roaring 20's!! We look forward to this new year with you and can't wait to see you! Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you ever need anything: info@wogacolorado.org....

December Lean In Circle Lunch: Final Vision Board Check-in and End of year celebration! Bring your Vision Board from January, get with your group and discuss the goals you made 12 months ago. What if you didn't meet one, or any, of your goals? Whether you...

November Technical Lunch: Overview on Gas Processing Sign up today for our last Tech Lunch for the year! We are excited to have Jesica Ryczko as our November Technical Lunch speaker.  Jesica will be discussing Glycol dehydration at the field level, and then mol sieve, cryo, and amine...

November Lean In Circle Lunch: The Art of Saying No We'll discuss When you should say No, How to say No, help you determine Why you should or shouldn't say No and how to ask questions so you know What you're saying No to. We'll discuss different...

November Lean In Circle Lunch: The Art of Saying No We'll discuss When you should say No, How to say No, help you determine Why you should or shouldn't say No and how to ask questions so you know What you're saying No to. We'll discuss different...

October Technical Lunch: How to Skillfully Master Conflict We are excited to have Sue Kenfield, M.A., CEO of See It Thrive™ as our October Technical Lunch speaker. Sue will be presenting on mastering conflict.  Participants in this session will: • Increase their understanding of different approaches to conflict. • Enhance...