WOGA April Newsletter

WOGA April Newsletter

Ahh, the joys of spring!  Sunshine, warm air, budding flowers, fresh upcoming WOGA and industry events.  Check out all the details below and take a moment to read a new addition to the monthly newsletter, our Member Feature.  Each month we will highlight one of your fellow WOGA members or board members.  This gives us an opportunity to learn more about each other and what other women in the industry are up to!  If you are interested in being featured, please email info@wogacolorado.org.

HERWorld18 Re-Cap

HERWorld18 was an inspiring, informational and motivational event this year!  The local content was so powerful and exemplifies what an amazing energy community we have in the Denver area.  Thank you to all of our organizers, speakers, panelists and attendees!

This was the first year for the GRIT Awards, recognizing energy leaders.  WOGA member Dena Lund, EVP Operations & Engineering of Sterling Energy Investments, was one of the 2018 GRIT Award winners and there were several other nominees from the Colorado energy community!  Dena is a huge supporter of the WOGA Lean-In Circle Lunch program and we appreciate all that she does for women in the industry.  See more on the GRIT Awards here:  HERWorld Grit Awards.

April Lean-In Circle Lunch:  Three Points of Contact- A Career Safety Briefing

Our April speaker is Margot Timbel.   Margot has held a variety roles from geologist to executive.  We are excited to hear her speak about her accomplished career!

REGISTER HERE: April Lean-In Circle Lunch

Date:  Tuesday, April 10th
Time: 11:00-12:30
Venue:  Sterling Energy Offices
1200 17th St 2nd Floor, Mt Evans Conference Room
Denver, CO. 80202
Cost: $10 Member, $15 Non-member
Lunch is generously provided by Sterling Energy

April Technical Lunch:  Natural Gas Liquids

WOGA is excited to have Gregg Dighero, Encana Director of NGL Marketing, back to discuss the essentials of NGL to our everyday lives. From chemical make-up to end user demand, this presentation is a comprehensive overview to Rich Gas.

What are NGLs, how do they move, where are they priced and how are they used?

REGISTER HERE:  April Technical Lunch

Date: Tuesday, April 24th
Time: 11:30-1:00
Venue: Republic Plaza
370 17th St, Concourse Level
Denver, CO. 80202
Cost: $10 Member, $15 Non-member
Lunch is generously provided by Merrill Lynch

May Lean-In Circle Lunch:  What Works for Women at Work:  Prove It Again

REGISTER HERE:  May Lean-In Circle Lunch

Golf Clinic

Dust off your golf gear and join WOGA for a 1.5 hour golf clinic and prepare for the summer golf season at Broken Tee Golf Course. The clinic will include three skill sessions: putting, chipping, and driving.

  • No experience needed.
  • Practice clubs will be provided if you don’t have your own.
  • Goodie bags, and complimentary beverages/snacks are included with registration.

Date: Thursday May 10th
Time: 5:00pm-8:00pm
Venue: Broken Tee Golf Course
2101 W Oxford Ave.
Englewood CO, 80110


Cost: $30 Member, $45 Non-member

Thank you to our generous Golf Clinic sponsors!

Member Feature

This months Member Feature is Amanda Kohn, Senior Geologist with Contour Resources!

Amanda Kohn is a geologist who runs her own consulting firm, Contour Resources.  Amanda has worked on a variety of projects from putting together prospects to creating large scale geomodels.   She is an innovative and creative thinker and a great resource in the geological community.  Technical interests include basin analysis and understanding financial risk and uncertainty throughout asset development.

She started her career as a geologist in London, UK with Schlumberger.  This international start provided vast traveling opportunities and exposed Amanda to a wide variety of geologic basins.  She transferred to the Denver area to gain experience in resource plays.  Amanda earned her BS and MS in Geology with a focus on sedimentology, from Kansas State University.

She also volunteers her time with the Continuing Education Committee for the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists and on the Finance and Operations Council of the Junior League of Denver.

What brought you to the WOGA community?

I was looking for a professional group that was not limited to geoscientists but was still focused in the oil and gas industry in Denver.  This growing women’s group has provided a great base on which I can continue to develop my business acumen and leadership skills.  Even as a pretty new WOGA member I have been able to quickly jump in and get involved in this great organization.  We have lots of events to connect, mentor and support women in the industry.

What are you currently reading or listening to?

I love discovering new podcasts.  I recently came across Seismic Soundoff put out by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.  The most recent episode ‘Mentoring in the geosciences’ is relevant to the WOGA mission and is a good short listen for anyone in the industry.

Industry Events

Industry Volunteer Day and Happy Hour

The WOGA team will be dedicating our time at the Tennyson Center for Children during this annual event.  Their mission is to empower children who have experienced abuse.  Space is limited to 15 volunteers so sign up now!  For a full listing of opportunities visit the DPC event page. If you choose to register for another event please add that you are affiliated with WOGA on the registration page.  Hope to see you there!

Date: Friday May 4th
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Venue: Tennyson Center for Children
2950 Tennyson St
Denver, CO. 80212

REGISTER HERE: Industry Volunteer Day

COGA’S ENERGY SUMMIT: Growth. Expectations. Opportunities

The Energy Summit proudly enters its 30th year with a focus on “Growth. Expectations. Opportunities.” Will the innovations and advancements of tomorrow solve the issues that industry is grappling with today in board rooms or on investor calls, or in city council halls, statehouses or the global stage? Over two days, our speakers will explore the growth opportunities afforded to industry, the expectations that come with domestic and global leadership and the opportunities to provide a cleaner energy future, a safer industry and a safer world. Make sure to take advantage of our COGA Member Discount and early registration pricing.

Dates: Tuesday, August 21st – Wednesday, August 22nd