25 Mar Upcoming Events
Women in Energy Panel with SPL – March 30
Women in Energy: A Panel Discussion On Why It’s Important Women Have A Seat At The Table

Join us for this free virtual event March 30th at 12p (CST) / 11a (MST).
SPL and WOGA Colorado are proud to partner together to present a panel discussion to celebrate Women’s History Month and honor the many women that have gone before us, are currently going with us, and will one day lead the way for the oil and gas industry.
Join us along with panelists Lori Maldonado, PMP, MBA – Vice President of Production Allocation at SPL, Jackie Schirmer – SVP, Engineering, Reliability, and ICC at DCP Midstream. Suzie Boyd – Owner & CEO at Caballo Loco Midstream, and Chris Prah – CEO & Co-Founder of On Pointe Consulting LLC.
We will discuss each of their paths to leadership roles within the energy industry, their insights about what this year and the coming 5-years will bring to oil & gas, and ultimately why it’s important that women are integrated into every aspect of the oil & gas industry.
Women and Men are welcome!
Venue: Zoom Video Meeting
Starts: Thu, March 30 2023, 11:00 am MST
Ends: Thu, March 30 2023, 12:00 pm MST
Lean In Luncheon – April 20
Melissa Wood: Talent Wars – Recruiting Women

Our industry grapples with a shrinking talent pool driven by unprecedented retirements and intensifying employee-recruitment competition.
At the same time, our reputation for being male-dominated, stodgy, inflexible, and slow-moving puts us at a significant disadvantage when competing with more progressive businesses. This is particularly true when it comes to recruiting women. And that means our industry misses out on the advantages of gender diversity.
Whether you’re actively seeking to expand the presence of women in your workforce or are seeking a new position, how a company communicates provides vital clues as to whether it has stepped up to shatter the glass ceiling or has a sticky floor.
Melissa Wood started Advanta Consulting fifteen years ago when she recognized that incorporating stakeholders’ voices into decision-making at investor-owned utilities, public power, and other organizations would improve their image, reputation, loyalty, and program effectiveness.
She has successfully led and evaluated essential functional planning and marketing areas: marketing strategy/plan development, customer experience vision development and execution, brand positioning/strategy and advertising, public relations, employee recruitment and engagement, market research and insights, and public and public/employee safety.
Before starting Advanta, Melissa led Strategic Marketing and Advertising at Xcel Energy. She is a faculty member at the University of Colorado Business School, teaching Marketing and Communications to master’s degree students.
Venue: Ovintiv Long’s Peak Room
Starts: Thu, April 20 2023, 11:00 am MST
Ends: Thu, April 20 2023, 12:30 pm MST
Technical Luncheon – April 25
Andrew Parker: Why Oil and Gas Professionals Should Embrace the Climate Conversation and Take Back the Narrative

In honor of the 2023 Earth Day theme – Invest in Our Planet, join us to hear Why Oil and Gas Professionals Should Embrace the Climate Conversation and Take Back the Narrative.
To the casual consumer of energy, it is easy to take for granted the luxuries afforded by having access to reliable energy supply, while at the same time allowing oneself to be influenced by the negative perception of the very industry that provides such resources.
Needless to say, energy and climate has become one of the most polarizing and controversial topics of our day. For many of us within the energy industry, we’ve come to realize and appreciate the fact that hydrocarbon-based energies can, and will, be part of a sustainable energy future for decades to come. Yet fundamental to earning public support for this line of thinking is the ongoing conversation around climate, and the general lack of climate literacy that comes with each discussion.
In this presentation, Andrew Parker, Senior VP of Hydrocarbons and Sustainability for SPL, will explore some common misrepresentations of the climate conversation often perpetuated across social media channels, and discuss a middle-of-the-ground approach to help others understand why oil and gas is important part of an all-in approach to energy worldwide.
Andrew earned a B.A. in Geology with Honors from the University of Colorado-Boulder. He then continued his education at Texas A&M University earning a Ph.D. in Oceanography, where he studied paleoclimates of the last glacial period. Initially, Andrew did not want to pursue a career in the energy industry, but an internship with Shell in 2013 changed his mind. During that summer, Andrew learned about the commitment companies like Shell were already making to reduce emissions and be better stewards of the environment. Realizing this alignment with his core values and professional ambitions, he made the leap from academia to industry in 2015.
Since his entry into the industry, Andrew has worked directly with state and federal rule making bodies to draft several protocols related to the sampling and analysis of crude oil for use in emissions inventories. He has published several technical papers on this topic.
Andrew is an active volunteer with several industry organizations. He is currently the chair for GPA Midstream’s GHG Measurement and Abatement Committee and also sits on API’s ESG Reporting Subcommittee.
Join us for this in person Technical Lunch at the Ovintiv Offices located in the Republic Plaza at 370 17th St, Denver, CO 80202 on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 from 11-12:30pm. Lunch provided. Women and Men are welcome! For more details and to register, visit the WOGA website.
Thank you to Ovintiv for sponsoring WOGA Technical Lunches in 2023!
Venue: Ovintiv Long’s Peak Room
Starts: Thu, April 25 2023, 11:00 am MST
Ends: Thu, April 25 2023, 12:30 pm MST