08 Jul July 2019 Newsletter
WOGA hopes that your summer has started with a bang!! Thank you to everyone who attended our HELLO SUMMER Happy Hour. It was fun and great seeing you!
We have some awesome events for you this month and in August! Keep reading to find out more!
July Lean In Circle Lunch: It’s okay to make mistakes!
Confidence is a critical component to success and fulfillment, both personally and professionally. The way one carries and presents herself greatly impacts first impressions and subsequent interactions. Similar to a muscle, confidence can be stretched, conditioned, built and strengthened.
Jamie Dandar is a Confidence Coach and acclaimed “Barista of Bravery,” serving up cups of confidence for women every morning! Throughout her career she’s specialized in Sales, Marketing and Business Development…in various technical industries, all of which rendered her one of very few females. Upon being featured in an article in Scale It magazine as a ‘Strong Female in Male Dominated Industry,’ Jamie received requests for more information. Thus was born her official mission to share her insider strategies on fostering confidence and properly navigating what could otherwise be interpreted as intimidating or challenging situations, particularly for women in the business world.
Jamie embraces differences in communication styles and strives to work effectively and naturally within them. Company-wise, she’s worked in all phases from Start-up to Fortune 100. Named one of the Denver Business Journal’s Top 40 Women in Energy, Jamie has a huge passion for energy forms of all types and promotes sustainable solutions as a way of life. She is a public speaker who addresses women of all ages to instill confidence and coach on lessons she’s learned first-hand in business environments.
She earned her undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and her entrepreneurially focused MBA from the University of Colorado. Jamie resides in Lakewood, CO with her husband, Rob, and their dog, Penny. They enjoy hiking and she touts her HIGHEST accomplishment as seeing the sunrise on the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro when she and her husband completed a charity climb this past summer.
Feel free to contact Jamie at jamiemdandar@gmail.com or 303-618-0603 to schedule a lunch-time workshop or public speaking engagement.
DATE: Tuesday, July 9th
TIME: 11:00-12:30
VENUE: Sterling Energy Offices
1200 17th St 2nd Floor, Mt Evans Conference Room
Denver, CO. 80202
COST: $10 Member, $15 Non-member
Lunch is generously provided by Sterling Energy!
REGISTER HERE: July Lean-In Lunch
August Technical Lunch
Join WOGA for our monthly Tech Lunch! Come learn about a new aspect of our industry and network with awesome professionals. Our keynote speaker is Lisa Hamil! Sign up today!
Please register ahead of time to ensure there is a proper headcount for lunch. Drop-ins will be allowed if there is space and may pay at the event but are not guaranteed lunch.
DATE: Wednesday, August 28th
TIME: 11:30-1:00
VENUE: Republic Plaza
370 17th St, Concourse Level
Denver CO 80202
COST: $10 Member, $15 Non-member
Lunch is generously provided by Merrill Lynch!
REGISTER HERE: August Technical Lunch
Annual Sporting Clay Clinic
Never held a shotgun? Ready to sharpen those shooting skills by shooting clay? This sport can be intimidating for first timers – come get your feet wet with the WOGA ladies! Learn the basics and never again feel you have to miss out on participating in one of our industry’s popular networking activities: clay shooting! Meet other WOGA members and enjoy being outside this fantastic time of year! This event is for beginners and advanced – there will be something for everyone!
Save the date in your calendar and we will be announcing the venue soon!
If you have any questions, please contact Alex Sale at info@wogacolorado.org
DATE: Friday, August 23rd
TIME: 3:00-8:00 pm
VENUE: To be announced
Cost is only $40 for Members, $50 for Non-Members
Food and refreshments will be provided – sign up now on our website: Sporting Clay Clinic Registration
Parting Thoughts
Words of wisdom from Moira Forbes, publisher of ForbesWomen: Advice for the Next Generation of Women in STEM. As women remain dramatically underrepresented across all STEM studies and careers, how do we make strides to close the gender gap and fuel the next generation of female innovators? At a time when technology continues to transform the way we live, work and learn, the need to close the STEM gender gap is more critical than ever