13 Sep September Technical Lunch: Proposition 112 – Everything You Need to Know
Posted at 01:59h
in Technical Luncheons
September Technical Lunch: Initiative 97/ Prop 112 – Everything You Need To Know
Proposition 112 is officially on the ballot in November. It could greatly impact the energy industry in Colorado, including eliminating jobs and important revenue for the state. Please join WOGA and our guest speaker from COGA to learn more about what the 2,500-foot setback could mean for the citizens of Colorado!
DATE: Tuesday, September 25th
TIME: 11:30am – 1:00pm
VENUE: Republic Plaza
370 17th St, Concourse Level
Denver, CO. 80202
COST: $10 Member, $15 Non-member
REGISTER HERE: September Technical Lunch
Lunch is generously provided by Merrill Lynch!!
Please contact info@wogacolorado.org for questions or more information.